James Bond
That's actually me and my syster in my cousin's car
I named my truck "Trigger" coz I'm emotionally attached to it. Roy Rogers named his horse "Trigger". I figured a great truck like mine deserves a legendary name like "Trigger", especially at 310,000 miles!
"The Egg"
This is my GREAT friend Steeve's car. He named it "The Egg". I had SOOOOOO much fun with this guy for the past half of my life! Now that we're in college in two different states, We seldom see eachother.
The bumper's hanging down coz one night, Steve ran off the road and into a ditch. He redneck repaired the bumper, but I think he got the alignment fixed.
This is my good friend Kari' (accent mark on the "i") She's reeeeel cool! Her natural beauty is highlighted by the wedding kimono she's wearing.
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