Boredom Ahhhhhhh




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Boredom  Ahhhhhhh

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Mor Images of stuff I actually have to do with


Boredom! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

Boredom's effects on ones actions.

Some PPL say that there's a connection between destructive behavior and boredom in animals (such as dogs). I wonder if humans have that too.

Indoor pets destroy furniture...

I did some research online about animal behavior and found connections between being bored and tearing stuff up. To further demonstrate this, I used to have a dog that wuold turn excrement into a hide and smell it out game. she crapped under piles of wood, furniture, or any other tight restricted access place. After we got rid of the dog, it may have taken as long as a year to find it all. Heck, there still could be some under the piano!

Humans too?!

Yes When a human gets bored, he/she  is capable of not only doing stupid or wasteful things, but destructive things. I asked my syster if she thinks people can be destructive when they're bored, and she said she thought so.

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